MOTs Suffolk
Every vehicle in the UK over 3 years old needs an annual inspection to ensure it complies with at least the minimum road safety & environmental standards. Below are just some of the important areas that the test looks at for class 4 & 7 tests*
- Vehicle identification number (vin)- a vehicle identification number must be permanently displayed & legible on vehicles first used after Aug 1st 1980.
- Registration plate- condition, security, legibility & format of letters/numbers
- Steering & suspension-correct operation & condition
- Wipers & washers- operate to give the driver a clear view of the road
- Windscreen-condition & drivers view of the road
- Horn-correct operation & type
- Seats & seat belts-all seatbelts checked for type, condition, security & operation
- Fuel system-checks for leaks, fuel cap security & seal (the fuel cap will need to be opened)
- Exhaust emissions-meets the minimum required limits for age & type
- Exhaust system-security, condition, without serious leaks and excessive noise
- Vehicle structure-free from excessive corrosion & damage in specific areas. This also applies to sharp edges on external bodywork etc.
- Mirrors-presence, condition & security
- Wheels & tyres-condition, security, size, type & tread depth. Spare tyres are not a testable item
- Brakes-condition, operation, & performance (efficiency test.) Suitable vehicles are tested on the roller brake tester. Such vehicles with permanent 4 wheel drive will be tested on a suitable road using a decelerometer. Wheels & trims are not permitted to be removed during the test so an advisory regarding the visual condition may be received if brake components are not visible during the inspection
- Mirrors-presence, condition & security
*Class 4 – Passenger vehicles/goods vehicles up to 3000kg gross weight
*Class 7 – Goods vehicles 3000kg to 3500kg gross weight.
Appointments only Monday to Friday: 09.00 – 16.00 Saturday: 08.00 – 12.00
Ring or email for a booking.